Adhwana Centre for Sustainable Development


SDG 12 - Program 01

Promotion of Medicinal Plants under National Environment Awareness Campaign (NEAC)

Promote medicinal plants and biodiversity conservation.


SDG 12 - Program 02

Energy Conservation Awareness Campaign (ECAC)

Conducted three seminars at Santhipuram, Vettuthura and Karikkakom on energy conservation awareness.


SDG 12 - Program 03

Development of Sustainable Livelihood Options with SC Community

Provision of vermin compost and kitchen garden units.


SDG 12 - Program 04

Empowerment and Community Actions from eco-feminism for gender equity in the community of Valiyathura

Adhwana implemented a women empowerment project from January 2003 to June 2024 in seven coastal areas of Trivandrum, benefiting housewives, fish vending women, adolescents, and fishermen in partnership with Trivandrum Social Service Society (TSSS), Calcatta Ondoan, Spain and local bodies in Trivandrum Municipal Corporation. The project formed Self-Help Groups (SHGs), forums, and federated higher groups, working with local bodies on activities such as skill development, livelihood promotion, awareness sessions, and environmental conservation. Key outcomes included enhanced knowledge of social issues, livelihood support, organic gardening, anti-violence sensitization, and environmental responsibility. Additionally, many women received training in employment and self-employment trades.


SDG 12 - Program 05

Support for Reconstructions and development of victims of Ockhi cyclone in Trivandrum, India

Adhwana, in collaboration with the Trivandrum Social Service Society (TSSS) and the Italian Bishops Conference, supported the reconstruction and development efforts for victims of the Ockhi cyclone in Trivandrum, India. The initiative focused on providing relief, rebuilding livelihoods, and addressing the long-term needs of affected communities through various support programs aimed at enhancing resilience and sustainable development.

- Educational Support
- Entrepreneurship Development Programs
- Skill Development Training (SDT)
- Construction of Sanitary Latrines
- Machines, Equipments and Tools for Fishing
- Fish Vending Outlets
- Dry fish making and sales unit
- Auto taxi
- DTP and Photostat centre
- Family Adoption Support